‘Lord of the Rings’ star reveals ‘No Sméagol’ in Amazon’s fantasy series

‘Lord of the Rings’ star reveals
“No Sméagol” in Amazon’s fantasy series

Actor Lloyd Owen tunes viewers into the upcoming series "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power" a.

Actor Lloyd Owen prepares viewers for the upcoming series The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.

© Amazon Studios

“The Rings of Power” actor Lloyd Owen gives fans a preview of Amazon’s upcoming series and names differences to the film trilogy.

Amazon’s much-anticipated Lord of the Rings series is imminent. “The Rings of Power” starts on September 2nd with a double episode on Prime Video. The British actor Lloyd Owen (56) embodies the human character Elendil in what is probably the most expensive series of all time. Owen has now guest-starred on People magazine’s “People Every Day” podcast. Asked what viewers can expect from Amazon’s major project, the actor explained that the series will show a larger part of the world once imagined by JRR Tolkien (1892-1973) than it was in Peter Jackson’s (60) “The Lord of the Rings”. -Movies from the early 2000s.

Jackson’s film trilogy, set thousands of years after the events of the upcoming series, has been limited to “this little piece of the world, this little piece of Middle-earth,” according to actor Owen. In contrast, The Rings of Power series will show viewers “so many civilizations at their absolute peak of power, at their best.” As examples he cites the dwarves of Khazad-dûm (later called Moria), who “have essentially disappeared in the Third Age”, as well as “the Elves at the height of their power, Númenor at the height of its power”.

“No Sméagol” in Amazon’s “Lord of the Rings” series

The Third Age mentioned by actor Owen is the period in the fictional history of Middle-earth in which Peter Jackson’s legendary film trilogy takes place – and of course Tolkien’s novel trilogy. At this time the characters Frodo, Sam and Gollum with the One Ring are on their way to Mount Doom. “[‘Die Ringe der Macht’] explains how this journey happens,” says series star Owen. In Amazon’s show, the powerful magic rings are created first before Gollum, also known by his previous name Sméagol, finds the One Ring a long time later.

However, due to the chronology of Tolkien’s world, the fan-favorite will not be part of the upcoming series. “He’s not there, I’m afraid,” reveals cast member Owen, only to add, “No Sméagol. He shows up later [in der Geschichte] But this is “the joy” of the “Lord of the Rings” series. “That’s where it all begins,” says Owen.


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