Long Covid: Which late effects of corona occur most frequently in the body

Most corona patients have survived their infection after the acute phase of their infection. For around ten percent of those infected, the WHO estimates, however, the suffering continues afterwards. After the fourth week one speaks of Long Covid, after three months of Post Covid. In connection with the long-term consequences of corona, one usually hears of extreme tiredness, exhaustion and lack of strength that affects those affected. They can only walk a few steps, some barely manage to get out of bed. Sometimes they need an oxygen machine to get enough air. The significant tiredness, called fatigue, is indeed the most common symptom of long-Covid suffering – but by no means the only one. Long Covid is assigned around 200 symptoms, from memory lapses and neurological failures to loss of smell, myocarditis and thromboembolism. There are many types of pain too.

More on the subject at stern Plus:

Entire overview Long Covid: The whole person suffers

The infographic shows which symptoms related to Long Covid are recorded most frequently. It shows that the whole body can be affected.

Is there a therapy for Long Covid?

Because the clinical picture is often vague and researchers are still penetrating Long Covid, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment. The therapeutic approach depends primarily on the symptoms of the respective patient. The range of possible treatments is therefore as wide as that of the symptoms: breathing therapy, physical training for endurance, posture and coordination, brain exercises on the computer, inhalations, occupational therapy, olfactory training, relaxation exercises and also psychological support are used. In addition, scientists are researching active ingredients and therapies that are specifically aimed at possible causes of Long Covid. However, these are still in the early stages of development.


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