Logic puzzles are reminiscent of child’s play – the solution is a tough nut to crack

See the video: Logic puzzles are reminiscent of a popular children’s game – the solution is more difficult than you think.

This puzzle is similar to the popular game “Santa Claus’s House” – but the solution is a bit trickier.
There are 9 points arranged on a square grid.
The task: Connect all the dots with just four straight lines without lifting the pen. Do you come up with the solution?

Resolution: Start with the pen at the top left dot and draw a line to the circle that is at the bottom right. Then connect the two points to the left. Now draw a line diagonally to the right. Now you can connect the two remaining dots with a straight line downwards.
The same works if you start from the circle that is in the bottom right corner.
Could you have solved the riddle ?

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