LIVE – War in Ukraine: new night attack by Russian drones, 28 out of 31 machines shot down

The Ukrainian air force reported a new night attack by Russian drones on Monday, claiming to have shot down 28 of the 31 devices fired, while Ukrainians celebrate Christmas for the first time in their history on December 25 and not on January 7 as Orthodox Russians.

This attack using Iranian-made Shahed drones targeted the southern regions of Odessa, Kherson, Mykolaiv, the eastern one of Donetsk and the western one of Khmelnytsky, Ukrainian forces indicated on Telegram.

“During the air attack, the enemy also launched a Kh-59 guided air missile towards Zaporizhia (south) and a Kh-31P anti-radar missile from the waters of the Black Sea. Both were shot down! “added the Air Force.

In Odessa, a large Black Sea port, debris from a downed drone damaged port premises and buildings in one of the city’s districts. They also damaged an out-of-service administrative building and a warehouse, causing a fire that was “quickly put out”, said the Southern Command of the Ukrainian army.

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