LIVE – War in Ukraine: kyiv, which hopes for new financial aid, says it is “working” with the United States

Several Russian regions suffered attacks from Ukrainian drones and shells this Sunday, injuring three people and forcing an airport to divert its flights, Russian officials announced.

“On Sunday morning, Ukrainian forces attacked the central market area of ​​Chebekino with shells”announced Vyacheslav Gladkov, governor of the Belgorod region, bordering Ukraine, specifying that the attack left three injured, including a woman who received a shrapnel in the neck.

The governor of the Bryansk region, also on the border, announced an attack with shells which caused damage but no injuries. The Smolensk region, west of Moscow, said it had shot down five drones, and the Krasnodar region, on the Black Sea coast, said it had shot down one. Due to this latest attack, nearby Sochi Airport had to temporarily divert some flights to other airfields. The Crimean Bridge, which connects this annexed peninsula to the Russian mainland, was also closed briefly this Sunday morning, without any reason being given.

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