LIVE – War in Ukraine: kyiv denounces the largest Russian attack since the start of the year

Three Ukrainian soldiers were sentenced by a Donetsk court to life in prison for “murder” in Mariupol in March 2022, when this port city in southeastern Ukraine was attacked by Moscow’s army. Denis Zalevskii, 25, Evgeny Kiris, 25, and Bogdan Kachprouk, 23, were found guilty of “murder” and “attempted murder”, according to a statement from the Supreme Court of Donetsk, a Ukrainian region annexed by Russia, quoted by the official Tass news agency.

The Supreme Court, she said, followed the requisitions of the Attorney General and the soldiers were sentenced “to life imprisonment with the execution of the sentence in a penal colony with a special regime”. According to this body, in charge of the main investigations in the country, the three soldiers, members of the Ukrainian National Guard, opened fire on 13 residents of Mariupol, killing six, in March 2022. “They were found guilty of treatment cruel to civilians,” it is stated in a press release.

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