Lidl is switching from Silvercrest to Homematic IP for its smart home app

Silvercrest is a private label of the Lidl retail chain for electronic devices, including networked intruder sensors and heating thermostats. The Silvercrest smart home app is used to manage such networked devices, which actually come from Targa. However, this will no longer be developed and will be completely discontinued on July 1, 2023. Nevertheless, the Lidl devices are not yet electronic waste.

Targa makes it possible to switch to the Smart Home app from Homematic IP, which is supposed to have the same function. “No system reinstallation is required”, reassures the company, “All you have to do in the Homematic IP app is follow the instructions and scan the access point again and confirm by pressing a button.” Installation data, devices and their settings should then be automatically available in the new application. They are available for Android and iOS.


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