Letter to the Editor: Let the polluter pay – your SZ

“Returnable? Doesn’t exist here” from 4./5. February:

There should have been a lot more reusable for years. But it was not wanted by the industry and was not pursued by the relevant politicians. There is no other way to explain the low accepted reusable rate. And neither does the ridiculous deposit of 15 cents. The old adage applies here: what costs nothing is worth nothing.

The new reuse obligation is also being circumvented by the supervisory authorities. If you showed the same level of ambition in controlling as you do in pursuing climate activists, things would change quickly. All it would take is a shift in priorities and staff. And, if necessary, a change in waste laws.

One aspect that is totally lost is the energy aspect. The ongoing production and transport of millions of disposable tableware items is guaranteed to consume many times more energy than the manufacture and cleaning of reusable tableware. But it’s easier to deal with Lieschen Müller with savings advice than to mess with the easygoing economy or the thoughtless consumer about noticeable fees. Anyone who causes dirt should also pay for it. Until now, the garbage disposal costs have only been raised to a limited extent according to the polluter-pays principle, one ton for everyone from the house. Is this going to be another case of: jumped as a lion and landed as a bedside rug?

Edeltraud Gebert, Groebenzell


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