“Let’s Dance”: Sarah and Vadim are eliminated in the quarterfinals

Twirling steps and pugs, chicken in the basket and chica power – in the quarter-finals of “Let’s Dance” things got down to business, including trio dancing.

It’s not all that easy with the names, especially not when it gets fuller again in this somewhat idiosyncratic trio round. Who should remember all this? When DSDS juror Toby Gad, touching the advertising drum on the eve of the big DSDS finale, is asked at the end of the show who he liked, he says Sanni. You had to stop there first. Sanni who? That was quickly cleared up, Sarah and Vadim were meant. Sounds a bit like Sanni together, at least in a three-hour show, at the end of which everyone is a little out of breath.

A lot was demanded in the quarter-finals. Five couples were still in the running, Sanni made the start, excuse me, made Sarah and Vadim. Their main task in “one of the fastest dances”, the Charleston: “Don’t fall on your face”. That worked out quite well, it was “dynamic” (Jorge), even if Motsi would have liked to see “the weight more forward” and Llambi, the eagle eye, realized that the “swivel steps” came too late. There were 22 points for this (8/Jorge, 8/Motsi, 6/Llambi). Amira and Massimo added a log or two, outfitted their Paso Doble with leather and bare skin, and were, as always, “sexy and dramatic”. Jorge saw Amira as “the queen of the gypsies”, Daniel Hartwich wished a lot of fun with the shitstorm. (28 points; 10/9/9).

“Let’s Dance”: René and Kathrin danced Jive

René and Kathrin tackled the king, swung their jive to Presley’s “Jailhouse Rock”, a “hard dance” in which the “kicks were great” (Motsi) and Mr. Llambi pulled a bit, although it was actually “very awesome” was, the “spectacle” (Jorge). The rating: 23 points; 8/7/9 Mathias and Renata finally got involved with the tango. Not an easy task, in between, Joachim Llambi was even dinged, asking if you could train for a week longer.

A joke, of course, probably also the Llambi return towards Mathias: “If it doesn’t work, I’ll make it a head smaller”. hehe. In between there was a little joke about boobs, hohö again, and finally tangoed to “Seven Nation Army” (26 points; 9/9/8). Poor Jack White, it’s not enough that his song is roared by some Bayern fans, now it has to be used for dance shows. File under folklore. So it feels good when one of your songs has become a traditional.

How Debbie Harry would react to “Call Me” in this context is also not known, but Janin and Zsolt steamed down the new wave evergreen so competently to a slow fox that Jorge (“perfect symbiosis”), Motsi (“Top of the Top of the Top of the Top”) and the Llambinator (“Everything flows”) demonstrated unity and drew the highest mark in a row, which meant a total of 30 points.

Trio dances in the quarterfinals

For the sake of completeness, of course, it should also be mentioned that Motsi and Jorge at least agreed on the outfits, she in a black and yellow chiffon explosion, he in a red and white praline packaging, only Mr. Llambi opted for simple and had turned dove gray. That could almost have been it, but after all we’re in the quarter-finals and then it’s time again: do as much as you can. The mode this time: the triple tripping, which always seems a bit strange, the trio dance, in which the respective couple gets another professional at their side and from then on, the expression has to come here, you swish around the bet, what sometimes more, sometimes less well.

Sarah and Vadim, together with Malika Dzumaev, got 25 points from their blind man’s bluff rumba, Amira and Massimo shook their “Bon-Bon” together with Andrzej Cibis to 23 points, Christina Luft in turn joined Mathias, the “World Champion”, and Renata Lusin, after a few jokes about “boobs” and nice prospects of cup height, freely adapted from Wim Thoelke, 3×9 points, so 27 in total. A class of their own finally René and Kathrin, together with Valentin Lusin, and Janin and Zsolt with Evgeny Vinokurov as the third in the league, both triplets sacked 30 triplets each.

In the end Sanni alias Sarah and Vadim, who had been anything but lukewarm, got caught, but the air for the two, so shortly before the final rounds, was clearly too thin. So the final round is approaching – next Friday it’s time for the semi-finals.

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