“Let’s Dance 2022”: Lilly zu Sayn-Wittgenstein does not want to rest on the title

“Let’s Dance 2022”
Lilly zu Sayn-Wittgenstein on her title: “First do something before you peddle it”

Lilly Princess zu Sayn-Wittgenstein with her dance partner Andrzej Cibis in the first regular show of “Let’s Dance 2022”

© Rolf Vennenbernd/ / Picture Alliance

Princess Lilly zu Sayn-Wittgenstein was looking forward to “Let’s Dance”. But she was only briefly one of this year’s celebrity candidates on the RTL show. In the interview, she talked about her joy and her worries.

Now it’s “Let’s Dance” on RTL every Friday at prime time. German nobility also took part in the anniversary season of the dance show: Princess Lilly zu Sayn-Wittgenstein. The mother of two is an entrepreneur, society lady and a real princess – and a passionate dancer. But that didn’t keep her from a quick exit. With the star she spoke before the show about her expectations of the RTL show, its title and her special family constellation.

Is there anything you’re particularly looking forward to about “Let’s Dance”?

Let’s dance. (laughs) I’m looking forward to learning this properly and hopefully having a great energy with my dance partner. I’ve experienced it before – it’s pure adrenaline.

Are you a little concerned about Joachim Llambi’s severe judgment?

I’m a big family kid. I’m used to criticism and I know that people make fun of me. If criticism is constructive, you can grow from it. I’ll let it come to me and I’m open to everyone.

The celebrities train eight hours a day when they are on “Let’s Dance”. Many have already reached their limits. How do you feel when you think about it?

That’s what I worry about the most. I wonder if I can handle it physically. I’ve already done the ultra marathon in Bulgaria with my son and cycled 17,000 kilometers to Mongolia with him. That was really exhausting. I was tough, but dancing is different. After the first few hours of training, I noticed that I was burning up a lot more. But giving up is not an option. If only because of my dance partner. He deserves that I give everything. We are a team.

How did your family react when you said you were dancing on “Let’s Dance”?

They all loved it. They stand behind me 100 percent. Even though my daughter always makes a little fun when I dance. (laughs) We’re working out who’s coming to which show.

You are currently commuting between Athens and Bückeburg. How does this work?

It is wonderful. In Greece we always discover something new. I arranged my life in such a way that I can take care of my children. My daughter lives in Greece, my son in Germany. And that’s why I will commute during “Let’s Dance”.

Your arrangement with your ex-husband, Alexander Fürst zu Schaumburg-Lippe, father of your son, and your second ex-husband, father of your daughter, is admirable.

I had unbelievably good times with both men and that’s how the children came about. It’s not your fault that we broke up. As a mother, it was my top priority that my children emerge healthy. I was able to convey this to my ex-husbands and we agreed that the well-being of the children is the most important thing. So we bit the bullet and worked hard to overcome our differences. It is important to show the children that you are working so hard for them and out of unconditional love for them in order to achieve the best for them. Today it’s the most normal thing in the world that we celebrate Christmas with ex-husband number 1 and ex-husband number 2. They’re just part of my basic family.

You are announced everywhere as the first princess on “Let’s Dance”. What does the title mean to you?

I grew up with a great sense of responsibility when it comes to that. From an early age, our parents brought us up under the motto: Do ​​something before you peddle it. My father built his own career in the automotive industry. My parents built their house themselves. All my siblings work. We grew up quite down to earth. But I know that the title is an issue for many readers.

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