Let’s assume · Churches empty? What then? · Podcast in the ARD audio library

Suppose no one goes to church anymore. Will we then no longer celebrate Christmas? And what do we believe then? A thought experiment. You can find these and other episodes wherever there are podcasts – including here in the ARD audio library: https://www.ardaudiothek.de/der-tagesschau-zukunfts-podcast-malangehen/71374876 You can also listen to this podcast via your voice assistant . Voice command: “Play times assumed from the ARD Audiothek” Our sources and further facts for this episode: Church membership investigation by the EKD https://www.ekd.de/ Results-der-6-kirchenmembership-investigation-80962.htm https://kmu. ekd.de/ Survey on cohesion: Clubs significantly more important than churches https://www.swr.de/ard-themenwoche/wir-gesucht-umfrage-einanderhalt-und-miteinander-in-deutschland-100.html#gesellschafter-einanderhalt Are holidays still relevant? https://www1.wdr.de/kugelzwei/denkenspiele/ferien-118.html Church attempting to reform https://www.zdf.de/documentation/37-grad-leben/update-gescheitert-kirche-im-reformexperiment- 102.html The most famous religious researcher https://www.zeit.de/2023/25/detlef-pollack-religion-forschung-kirche-niedergang/s Do people need religion? Conversation between an Islamic theologian and a Catholic colleague https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/bedarf-der-mensch-religion-102.html Tagesschau podcast: Let’s assume that the church tax is abolished https://www.ardaudiothek.de/ episode/der-tagesschau-zukunfts-podcast-mal-ankommen/kirchensteuer-abgeschafft-was-dann/tagesschau/12623837/ Interreligious podcast “331 – 3 women, 3 religions, 1 topic” https://331houseofone.podigee.io/

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