Comment: The FDP is facing tough times


As of: April 28, 2024 4:29 p.m

The Liberals were in their element: the topic of the economy was the focus of the federal party conference, and everyone appeared united. A much-needed sigh of relief – but a short one. Because the basic problem of the FDP remains.

By Lissy Kaufmann, ARD Capital Studio

Home game for the FDP: She was in her element this weekend. The topic: economics. The arguments: A shift towards more growth is needed. The location matches it. As in previous years, an event location with industrial charm in Berlin-Kreuzberg. They appeared united and presented pure FDP.

This could appeal to the traffic light-frustrated voter base in the short term. Many members’ hearts are likely to temporarily beat faster. However, the FDP has further exacerbated its actual problem. And this problem is called: Governing with the traffic lights.

Expectations are high after this party conference. After all, the “Wachstun” party has taken up the cause – and on the screen behind the stage. “Growth made in Germany” was written in big letters behind the party leadership and the speakers. No, that’s not a typo, but a new word creation: You have to do something so that the economy grows, that is.

You want to stay and fight

The base and the voters also want something to be done. Namely, that the party leadership is finally implementing more FDP goals in the government – ideally the ones that were set this weekend: taxes should come down. The pension at 63 should go away. In general, people should work more and longer.

Anyone who doesn’t do this – doesn’t accept jobs but receives citizen’s money – should be punished more harshly. All of that: No pious wishes, said Secretary General Bijan Djir-Saraj, fueling expectations. The lead motion is also not a divorce motion to the coalition. You want to stay and fight.

The party can actually only fail. Because the FDP remains the smallest coalition partner in a three-party alliance. And the other two partners will remain the Greens and the SPD for the next year and a half.

Harmonious short vacation among friends

They still want a strong welfare state, are against the reduction of social benefits and generally find it easier to comply with government regulations. And: They have already made it clear what they think of the FDP’s proposals. Namely, nothing. A basis for discussion looks different.

The FDP will probably experience what it has experienced over the past two and a half years: namely, that it will make all sides dissatisfied. The voters and the base because they cannot implement FDP goals and make compromises. The coalition partners, because the smallest partner misses the mark and says no again.

The party conference in Berlin this weekend was just a brief sigh of relief for the FDP, a harmonious short vacation among friends. The party needed that. But it is unlikely that the mood will remain so good. There are tough times ahead – in the government district and at the ballot box.

Editorial note

Comments generally reflect the opinion of the respective author and not that of the editorial team.

Lissy Kaufmann, ARD Berlin, tagesschau, April 28, 2024 4:17 p.m

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