Legislative bickering, fears in Moldova and tribute to Michel Bouquet

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

Tensions around the legislative elections are high throughout the political class, the winning side of the presidential election being no exception. Horizons, Edouard Philippe’s party, thus says it is “surprised” not to have more “discussion” with its majority partners, LREM and the MoDem, in view of the June 12 and 19 polls. In the background, the recurring tensions between Edouard Philippe and Emmanuel Macron appear above all, which nevertheless seemed to be put on hold during the presidential campaign. According to a parliamentarian, the Head of State is currently seeking to reduce the influence of his former Prime Minister who is aiming for “30/40 deputies” for Horizons. This Wednesday, a first meeting between La France insoumise and the PS must also take place to discuss a possible agreement before the legislative elections.

After Ukraine, will the showdown between Washington and Moscow extend to Moldova? The United States warned on Tuesday against attempts to “escalate tensions” after a series of explosions in the pro-Russian Moldovan separatist region of Transnistria, bordering Ukraine. In relaying the fears of the American executive, State Department spokesman Ned Price did not, however, go so far as to attribute responsibility for the explosions to Moscow, as kyiv does.

France will salute the memory of the one who notably played no less than 800 times The king is dying by Ionesco. Monument of French theater who died on April 13 at the age of 96, Michel Bouquet will receive this Wednesday a national tribute chaired by Emmanuel Macron. The Head of State will deliver the eulogy at the Hôtel national des Invalides, after speeches by Fabrice Luchini, Muriel Robin, who was a student of the actor at the Conservatory, and Pierre Arditi. The ceremony, which should begin at 4 p.m., will be open to the public, in the presence of the family and relatives of the actor.

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