Lecture on dealing with the Steinhöringer “Lebensborn” children – Ebersberg

Hardly any aspect of the inhuman rule of National Socialism drew – and still draws – more attention than the history of the SS organization “Lebensborn”. In a mixture of serious enlightenment and fascination with the folkish utopias for which the “Lebensborn” stands, historical research, popular science and remembrance culture have been dealing with Himmler’s project for fifty years now. Despite the totalitarianism in Germany, the institutional history of the SS association did not end in the spring of 1945. US troops found more than 150 children at the last base of the “Lebensborn” in Steinhöring, who had to be cared for. Guardianships that the organization had assumed had to be continued. After all, assets had been accumulated for the underage protégés. Two welfare organizations that had positioned themselves in complete opposition to National Socialism were entrusted with the task of administering the legacy of “Lebensborn”: the Caritas Association and the Catholic Youth Welfare Organization of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising.

The way in which these two associations lived up to the responsibility they assumed is the focus of a slide show that the Reichertshofen historian Rudolf Oswald will give again on Wednesday, March 1st, at the invitation of the Historical Association for the Ebersberg district. The event is intended for all those interested in history who could not find a place in the lecture room at the first appointment six weeks ago or did not have time at the time. takes place in the Museum of the City of Grafing, Bahnhofstraße 10, and starts at 7.30 p.m. Admission is free.

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