Joe Biden accuses Donald Trump of using “Hitler’s language.”

War of words in the US election campaign
Joe Biden accuses Donald Trump of using “Hitler’s language”

In the race for the place in the White House, Donald Trump (r.) and Joe Biden are fighting hard against each other


Rough to radical: This is how we know Donald Trump. Terms from National Socialism are also part of the Republican’s vocabulary. US President Joe Biden is now using a video of Trump for his election campaign.

US President Joe Biden has given his predecessor and election rival Donald Trump again accused of Nazi rhetoric after the distribution of a questionable video clip. Trump is using “Hitler’s language,” not America’s, Biden said in a campaign video released on Tuesday. In the short clip, the Democrat holds a phone and says, referring to the video, “That’s on his official account? Wow.”

At a campaign event in Boston, Biden also attacked the Republican, who wants to move back into the White House in November. The threat posed by Trump’s second term in office is greater than during his first presidency, said the 81-year-old, according to the press traveling with him. He called Trump “disturbed” and accused him of being vindictive after losing the 2020 presidential election.

Donald Trump shares questionable video

On Monday, Trump shared a video – later deleted – on the Truth Social platform he co-founded, in which fictitious newspaper articles were shown about the possible scenario that the Republican presidential candidate could win again in the November election. One of the headlines talked, among other things, about the creation of a “unified empire.” Trump’s entourage later confirmed that the clip had been removed from his account. When asked, a spokeswoman for his campaign team said it was not a video of the election campaign. It came from some account and was spread on Trump’s account by an employee “who obviously didn’t see the word.”

The term is often associated with the Nazis’ “Third Reich” in Germany. According to US media, however, the word Reich in the video probably refers to the founding of the German Empire in 1871. According to them, the text is said to come from a Wikipedia entry on the First World War. The video was created using a pre-made newspaper article mask. It has also been used in other clips online. Other newspaper headlines in the video distributed on Trump’s platform also refer to the First World War.

Radical words in the US election campaign

Trump wants to run against Biden again in the presidential election in November. During the election campaign, he regularly uses radical rhetoric, uses hateful and dehumanizing language, makes racist statements and incites against minorities. In the past, he has denigrated political opponents as “vermin.” In other campaign appearances, Trump said, for example, that some migrants aren’t “people” at all – or that migrants “poison the blood of our country.” The 77-year-old compared Biden’s government to the Gestapo. The Secret State Police (Gestapo) was the political police of the Nazi regime from 1933 to 1945.


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