Knife attack in Duisburg: Police arrest suspects – News – WDR – News

The police confirmed the arrest to the WDR and want to comment later together with the public prosecutor’s office with further details.

According to “Bild”, the man was overwhelmed in his Duisburg apartment. It is said to be a 26-year-old Syrian. The neighbors of the alleged perpetrator would have recognized him on the mug shots and informed the police.

Another victim in mortal danger

The alleged perpetrator seriously injured four people in the attack with a stabbing weapon on Tuesday evening. A 21-year-old is still in mortal danger. The attack is said to have been “targeted” against him, said a police spokesman.

The other three victims, aged between 24 and 32, are out of danger.

We also report on this topic on the WDR radio in the news.

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