Kiel: Storm surge endangers beach chairs – fire brigade has to intervene

Storm surge threatens to wash beach chairs into the Baltic Sea – fire brigade has to rush to the rescue

Fire brigade forces are trying to protect a beach chair from the tidal waves of the Baltic Sea in Kiel-Schiksee

© Axel Heimken/dpa

After the end of the summer season, a beach chair rental company in Kiel apparently forgot his good items. The first storm surge of autumn threatens to wash his property into the fjord – a strenuous operation for the fire brigade.

The Storm surge on the Baltic Sea flooded around 100 beach chairs in Kiel-Schilksee on Thursday. The heavy beach furniture threatened to drift into the fjord, the police said. Firefighters were on duty on the flooded section of beach in the evening to rescue the beach chairs from the water.

Beach chair owner in Kiel did not bring property to safety in time

Each individual piece has to be carried ashore using physical strength. The water police notified the owner, who had not brought his property to safety in time. Meanwhile, Environment Minister Tobias Goldschmidt (Greens) appealed to coastal residents to be well informed and take appropriate precautionary measures. With a possible duration of up to 40 hours, the storm surge could last significantly longer than similar severe weather events in 2017 and 2019.

Beach ridges such as those at the mouth of the Slime could be flooded, and beach clearing and steep bank break-offs are to be expected. The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency expects the flooding in Schleswig-Holstein to develop into a severe storm surge by Friday evening.


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