Karlsruhe on the electoral law reform of the traffic light: elementary problem of democracy – politics

Is it unfair if not every constituency winner gets into the Bundestag? Or if more and more small parties lose a lot of votes because of the five percent clause? The Federal Constitutional Court must find answers.

Almost a day and a half had passed in the Karlsruhe meeting room when the legal representatives of the CDU and CSU put forward an interesting argument. Negotiations were held about their lawsuit against the new voting rights of the traffic light coalition, which wanted to finally keep an old political promise last year – the reduction in size of the Bundestag. Better said, the parliament, which had been bloated by overhang and compensatory mandates with 736 instead of 598 members, should be reduced back to a reliable size, namely 630. At least this seemed to meet with general approval until the end.

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