Justice suspends expulsion of Algerian woman returning from Syria

Administrative justice on Friday suspended an expulsion order to Algeria from the prefect of the North against a Roubaisienne who was a minor with her family in Syria, considering that it was “not proven” that she represents “a serious threat to public order”.

The administrative court of Lille, which ruled in summary proceedings, noted in a press release that the young woman, aged 24, and whose 23 family members joined the jihadist organization Islamic State, was “not indicted , nor placed under the status of assisted witness” upon his return.

She “on the contrary contributed to implicating several people, including members of her family,” he adds. Contacted by AFP, the prefecture indicated that it would not comment.

“She must be able to rebuild herself in France”

It “is a huge relief”, reacted Me Marie Dosé, the lawyer of the young woman, mother of two little girls born in Syria, who says she is the victim of a tyrannical and radicalized family. She “must be able to rebuild herself in France – this country which has always been hers, where she was born, where she grew up, and from which she was deprived against her will by an abusive family”.

Her mother had refused to apply for French nationality for her when she was a teenager, making her today an Algerian national in an irregular situation. The expulsion commission of the Lille court issued an unfavorable opinion on September 25 for the expulsion of this woman taken to Syria by her mother with her siblings in 2014, when she was 15 years old. She returned to France in January with her two daughters, after five years spent in territories controlled by the Islamic State organization and four in the Al Roj camp, where many jihadists are held under Kurdish guard.

Despite this unfavorable opinion, the prefect Georges-François Leclerc issued an expulsion order on October 10, considering that the young woman constituted “a serious and persistent threat to public order”.

Noting in this decree that she has “kept relations with other returnees since her return”, he also underlined that “there is no conclusive evidence proving a condemnation on her part of the acts of terrorism committed by members of the community to which she belonged.

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