Justice, education and finance: some ministries are already occupied

The FDP has already announced its government team, and the Greens will follow on Thursday. In the case of the SPD, it can take even longer. After the presentation of the coalition agreement of the three traffic light parties, attention is directed to the personal details. Who will be what in the three-party coalition that is committed to “progress”?

However, some items are still unclear. Both Greens until late Wednesday evening three ministries had not been assigned with certainty:

Possible candidates are the current parliamentary group leaders Katrin Göring-Eckardt and Anton Hofreiter, the former federal manager Steffi Lemke and the former party leader Cem Ozdemirwho was elected to the Bundestag in Stuttgart with a sensational result of around 40 percent.

In the SPD there are even more open questions:

tkr / Michael Fischer, Martina Herzog, Theresa Münch, Carsten Hoffmann, Basil Wegener

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