“Jungle camp”: Cora Schumacher settles scores with Olli Pocher | Entertainment

What was in the bush?

The lightning departure of Cora Schumacher (47) caused quite a stir. After just three days, the racing driver’s ex quit jungle camp. On Monday evening, RTL showed the whole drama on TV and how the celebrity colleagues reacted.

You could also see what Cora said about the blasphemies of her after she moved out Oliver Pocher (45) says. After she made their affair public, he bad-mouthed the blonde.

“Darling, I think I want to go home”

Become a reality star at camp Fabio Knez (30) was the first to be surprised by Cora’s exit plans. At the toilet she says to him in a hotter voice: “Darling, I think I want to go home. The thing with my cough… I can’t stand it anymore.” Also TV-Casanova She complains to Mike Heiter (31) about her suffering. The smoke from the fireplace is bothering her. He tries to persuade her to stay, but to no avail. Cora is determined. “I want to get out of here now! Now, now, now! Immediately!”

On the jungle phone she bursts into tears, crying and coughing, then sobs her sentence: “I’m a star, get me out of here. Sorry.”

Celebrities are shocked

The remaining celebrities are shocked, but understand.

Twenty4Tim says goodbye to Cora Schumacher after her exit from the jungle. Cora is touched: “This solidarity is something that I don’t have at home and maybe I don’t even know about.”

Photo: RTL+

If your body gives you signals, you should take them seriously, says ex-“No Angel” Lucy Diakovska (47). When Cora receives a warm farewell from everyone, the ex of racing driver legend Ralf Schumacher (48) is touched. “This solidarity is something that I don’t have at home and maybe I don’t even know.”

The next day, Cora is picked up by a driver and taken to the hotel. She will soon be able to laugh there again, although not for long. Because this is where the ex-candidate reads about Pocher’s taunts for the first time. While she revealed that she had a crush while she was still in camp, his sayings weren’t very charming. So he accused her of lacking intelligence. On his “Liebeskasper” tour, the comedian fired off sayings like: “We met in a library. She borrowed a coloring book.”

“I don’t need Oliver Pocher”

Cora first wants to take the ridicule with humor, then complains: “I don’t need Oliver Pocher. I don’t need his headlines and I don’t need his money. Who benefits from it?”

On his “Liebeskasper” tour, comedian Oliver Pocher gossiped meanly about Cora, firing off sayings like: “We met in a library.  She borrowed a coloring book.

On his “Liebeskasper” tour, comedian Oliver Pocher gossiped meanly about Cora, firing off sayings like: “We met in a library. She borrowed a coloring book.”

Photo: SWR – Südwestrundfunk/obs

What follows is a reckoning with the comedy star. Schumacher shoots back: “If you look back, he always defines himself through his relationships. Maybe that’s also the reason why things don’t really work out for him with women.”

This may be the end of the affair…

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