Junge Welt sues against observation by the constitution protection media


Ronen Steinke, Berlin

Perhaps it is Horst Seehofer’s own fault, the CSU Federal Minister of the Interior, who is inclined to mischievous humor. It was June 15, the report for the protection of the constitution was presented in Berlin, Seehofer was sitting next to Thomas Haldenwang, President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, in other words, head of domestic espionage. A journalist wanted to know from the minister why the daily newspaper Young world being observed by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. The journalist said: You are probably not an enemy of the constitution just because you write that there is a “class society” in Germany. If that were enough, according to the journalist, half of German social scientists would be enemies of the constitution. Seehofer nodded, smiled and replied: “Then I would also be an enemy of the constitution.”


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