Jean-Noël Guérini sentenced to pay 10,000 euros to Renaud Muselier

The Marseille criminal court on Tuesday condemned the former president of the Bouches-du-Rhône general council Jean-Noël Guérini to pay the sum of 10,000 euros to the president of the regional council of Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur Renaud Muselier .

Jean-Noël Guérini sued Renaud Muselier for defamation for having qualified as “politico-mafia cohabitation” the work between the president of the general council and the former mayor of Marseille Jean-Claude Gaudin. The criminal court considered that the term “mafia” was not clearly attributed to Jean-Noël Guérini and that the terms used “refer to a very long period of time, the time of a mandate, without the identification of a specific fact. The court therefore acquitted Renaud Muselier, and condemned Jean-Noël Guérini for legal costs.

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