Jean-Luc Mélenchon anti-Semitic? “Yes”, answers Manuel Valls

New proof of the two “irreconcilable” lefts? La France insoumise (LFI) holds “a massive anti-Semitic discourse”, denounced former Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Sunday, responding in the affirmative to the question of whether he considered Jean-Luc Mélenchon to be “anti-Semitic”. Is the leader of LFI anti-Semitic? ” Yes ! » replied Manuel Valls several timesguest of Europe 1, CNews and Les Echos.

“A political calculation”

“When we maintain such a discourse towards Israel, that is to say when we refuse to qualify Hamas as a terrorist organization, when we explain that it is a resistance organization, we are there in something extremely serious,” explained the former socialist Prime Minister of François Hollande.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s tweet on the occasion of the trip of Yaël Braun-Pivet, the president of the National Assembly, to Israel, is “anti-Semitic”, added Manuel Valls, also singling out “his speech against Israel or the participation at demonstrations where people shouted ”Death to the Jews! ”.

The leader of La France insoumise estimated on X that Yaël Braun-Pivet was “camping in Tel Aviv to encourage the massacre” in Gaza. “It is still the first time in a very long time that there is a left-wing force which has such a massive anti-Semitic discourse”, also assured Manuel Valls, referring to “a political calculation” by LFI.

“The Nupes broke up because Mélenchon wanted it to be that way”

The movement and the three-time unsuccessful presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon are accused by many political actors of having responded with ambiguity on the question of the fight against anti-Semitism or of not having sufficiently condemned Hamas attacks in Israel , October 7. A position which greatly weakened the left-wing Nupes alliance.

“The Nupes is over. The Nupes broke up, quite simply because Jean-Luc Mélenchon wanted it to be that way, by the positions he took, by the sectarianism he demonstrated and by the line he chose. declared François Hollande on Saturday in Corrèze, in comments reported by France 3.

“I don’t think Jean-Luc Mélenchon is anti-Semitic,” the former president recently judged. “But his words, his way of doing things, encourage anti-Semitism in the name of anti-Zionism.”

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