“Jean Castex has the skills to be at the head of the RATP”, considers the rapporteur of the Senate who auditions him

The senator (Les Républicains) of the Alpes-Maritimes Philippe Tabarot was appointed by the Senate rapporteur to study the proposal for the appointment of Jean Castex at the head of the RATP. On the eve of the hearing of the former Prime Minister, he gives us his conclusions.

How did you work?

My work as rapporteur was to give myself the most balanced opinion possible by trying to discuss with the president of Ile-de-France Mobilités [Valérie Pécresse]with the former president of the RATP [Catherine Guillouard] in particular, and to discuss with colleagues in the Senate about their feelings.

In terms of skills, do you think Jean Castex is suitable for the position of CEO of RATP?

Obviously, Jean Castex has the appetite and the skills to be at the head of the RATP. You were not Prime Minister of France without having these skills. As a member of the board of directors of the Infrastructure Financing Agency (Afit) [dont Jean Castex est l’actuel PDG], I could see that the State services were very mobilized, and a record number of agreements signed with the AOM (mobility organizing authorities). The operation became more fluid, I felt that he took things to heart, and that it was not a theoretical presidency.

With regard to transparency, is this choice compatible?

It is the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP) which is in a position to say so. She released an opinion interpreted by a certain number of people, for my part I spoke with its president who told me that he ruled out any criminal and ethical risk. Simply, there is a restriction on taking steps towards people over whom he had authority, in the specific context of opening up to competition. I hear that and that’s what I’ll pass on to colleagues. My role is not to influence, but to transmit the word of the president of the HATVP.

You have already examined the appointment of Castex at the head of the Infrastructure Financing Agency (Afit). What do you think of this recasing a little more than two months later?

This is one of the elements that can antagonize a number of colleagues. We trusted him at the head of Afit, and to see him again in another position less than 100 days later, that does not plead for him. This comes after the appointments of the President of the Republic, which may be open to discussion, for a certain number of ministers. I think of Emmanuelle Wargon [aujourd’hui à la tête de la Commission de régulation de l’énergie]to Minister Agnès Buzyn [nommée conseillère à la Cour des comptes]to Mr. Castaner who is on several positions it seems at the moment [pressenti pour prendre la tête du Grand Port de Marseille et qui convoiterait le poste de ministre d’Etat à Monaco]. The posts are not there to resettle the ministers thanked or failed.

Do you have any other reservations?

No, for the rest I will ask questions about its relationship with Ile-de-France Mobilités [IDFM] and its strategy for the group. For example, if the RATP should look for other markets abroad, if it should internationalize, or if it should stay on its core business or expand to other bodies.

Are you going to give your green light to the appointment of Jean Castex?

For him not to be nominated, 3/5ths of parliamentarians would have to vote against, that won’t happen, his nomination will be voted on. And I can tell you that it is very likely that this hearing will not call this choice into question, I do not feel any general mobilization against this appointment. But afterwards, some candidates do very bad auditions, I can’t tell you before the audition what will happen.

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