Japanese Imperial House: A book about the Tenno by Wieland Wagner. – Politics

It’s once again a phase in Japan when people would like to know what the Tenno actually says about it. Emperor Naruhito is a highly educated man, he studied at Oxford and has also traveled the world. Unlike many Japanese people who are not particularly interested in faraway places, in his younger years he always seemed to look at the world with a keen eye. And especially his wife, Empress Masako, a former diplomat at the Japanese Foreign Ministry, who speaks fluent French and English and once attended universities in Harvard, Grenoble, Oxford. The pair’s verdict on the state of Japanese democracy could be exciting. About the many hereditary politicians who seem to be far away from the normal people of the island state. About the right-wing conservative ruling party LDP of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, which was recently rocked by a violent donations scandal.

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