“It’s the first time in 20 years”, a man imprisoned “under X” after refusing to reveal his identity

“This is the first time in twenty years that this has happened to me. » In her entire career, Audrey Quey, public prosecutor of Vienne (Isère) had never dealt with such a case. A man, suspected of sexual assault, refused to reveal his identity, remaining completely silent, so much so that investigators and justice services were unable to identify him.

Result: While awaiting his trial set for October 16, the suspect was placed in pre-trial detention “under X”, indicates the magistrate, confirming a information from Dauphiné Libéré. “This gentleman understands but does not want to speak,” continues Audrey Quey.

The individual, who “must be in his thirties”, is being prosecuted for two sexual assaults (touching), committed in August and on September 11 in the Vienna station “where he was zoning out”. Without any belongings on him, he had arrived in the region “before summer”.

Psychiatric expertise

During two police custody periods, then before the judge in immediate appearance on Monday, he remained completely silent. “It is a right, the right to silence (…), but until now he has not wanted to give any information” on his identity, underlines the prosecutor.

However, man is not silent. Three witnesses, including a user of the Vienna station, told investigators that they had heard the suspect speaking in French.

The man is “unknown” to the police, homeless shelters, hospitals and psychiatric services. The prosecution ordered a psychiatric assessment before his trial.

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