Israel News: Army calls on civilians in the Gaza Strip to flee

Germans in the Gaza Strip have complained about a lack of support from the federal government when leaving the war zone. “Nothing is happening, inquiries at the embassy remain unanswered,” says the German-Palestinian Mazen Eldanaf in Gaza to the German Press Agency. Eldanaf has lived in Bonn with his wife for 43 years and came to the coastal strip to visit family for a week. He has seen hundreds of foreign citizens leaving the area in the past few days – but hardly any Germans. “I’m just disappointed in our government”, he says. His four adult children in Germany are also not getting anywhere. Nobody listens to them.

75-year-old Jamal Abdel Latif also blames the German embassy in Ramallah. “Answering an email can’t be too much in a situation like this,” says Latif, who studied at the Technical University in Berlin in the 1980s and now wants to leave the country with his wife and two children. The only thing he was told was: “We warned that no one should drive into the area.”

The Foreign Office in Berlin says that “intensive work” is being done to enable German citizens to leave the Gaza Strip. On Friday, a large group was able to leave the war zone for the first time. According to the Foreign Office, over 30 Germans left the country via the Rafah border crossing. “We are continuing our efforts and working intensively to ensure that more Germans can leave the country,” it continues.

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