Ismaning continues to subsidize MVV tickets – Munich district

The municipality of Ismaning will also provide additional support for holders of MVV monthly and annual tickets this year and next. The municipal council has decided to extend this regulation, which has been in force for two years. All holders of monthly or annual tickets for the area of ​​validity M plus 1 to M plus 5 who live in Ismaning can benefit from the promotion; The difference to a comparable ticket for zone M will be reimbursed.

In 2019, the Ismaninger municipal council decided to supplement the district’s regulation, which provides for support for annual ticket holders, with its own municipal subsidization. The background to this decision was that the Ismaninger municipal councils did not go far enough with the district support measures decided by the district council. Above all, it was criticized that holders of monthly tickets were not taken into account. In addition, Ismaning extended the scope to zones 3, 4 and 5 for its own citizens, arguing that many residents of Ismaning would work at the airport (zone 5).

The district only refunds the difference to annual ticket holders and only takes zones M to 2 into account. The district has also decided to continue its funding program for 2022 and 2023.

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