Is one in two 60-year-olds no longer working, as Ruffin claims? Caution

The discussion on the much-discussed pension reform will return to the political agenda in the coming days and is already creating debate. Wednesday morning, on France Info, the deputy of rebellious France François Ruffin did not hesitate to tackle the pension reform wanted by Emmanuel Macron. “What the President of the Republic is about to do is madness,” castigated the deputy from the Somme. Unnecessary according to him, the reform would create resentment “in the hearts of people every day”.

According to François Ruffin, this bill constitutes an injustice for most French workers, whom he opposes “to the advisers at McKinsey”. “At the age of 60, one out of two French people is no longer at work. Why ? Because one in two French people has impaired health at the age of 60, ”described the LFI deputy. Contradicted by journalist Salhia Brakhlia, François Ruffin replies: “You will go and check. Fact checking”. At the house of 20 minutes, our ears were ringing at that moment and we decided to look into the matter. Investigation.


On the issue of pension reform, distorted statistics often emerge to oppose the postponement of the legal retirement age. In March, Yannick Jadot – then an environmental candidate for the presidential elections – explained that “one in two French people who claim their pension rights are no longer working”. Earlier, in 2019, the president of the CGT Philippe Martinez also advanced some figures. “One in two people aged 55 is no longer active,” said the trade unionist on RTL.

Who is telling the truth? Who says wrong? It would seem that the deputy François Ruffin comes closest to the real statistics. According to figures from Dares [le bureau des statistiques du Ministère du travail], in December 2021, the employment rate was 35.5% among 60-64 year olds, compared to 56% among 55-64 year olds. Only, as Dares explains to us, these age groups are far too wide to draw any conclusion. It is therefore difficult to be as precise as the deputy interviewed by France Info.

Conversely, INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) indicates in a published study in 2020 that more and more seniors are entering the job market. “Employment rates for seniors increased at all ages between 2006 and 2016, but most of the increase was for people aged 57 to 61. At age 60, for example, it reaches 38%, double what it was in 2006,” emphasizes the study. If we follow the logic of INSEE, the workers would be a little more numerous than what François Ruffin asserts. A gap of about 12 points.

Obstacles to consider

But the allegation of politics does not only say that. François Ruffin also speaks of the “altered health” of the workers who push them – for half – to stop working. This is one of the points of the last report the Pensions Orientation Council (COR)published in June 2021. “Possible health difficulties at older ages are an obstacle to maintaining employment and must be taken into account when thinking about the retirement age”, underlines the report.

Still according to the report, the disabilities of workers increase after the age of 50 and allow them less and less to spend time in employment… and this well before their retirement. These are actually the results a survey by the Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics Department (DREES), published in February 2020. “People with disabilities leave the labor market younger but retire later,” headlines the survey. “Around the age of 60, approximately one person in ten declares to be severely limited in the activities of daily living, and is therefore considered in this study as disabled. About one person in six says they are limited but not severely, and the rest of the population, ie three out of four people, do not declare any disability,” explains the author of the survey, Patrick Aubert.

Professions most affected

According to him, people with disabilities spend less time in employment: “on average 8.5 years without employment or retirement after age 50, compared to 1.8 years for people without disabilities. This gap has increased since 2013, under the effect of the 2010 pension reform”. The study also explains that disability develops with age, a statement that one might have suspected. What matters here are the numbers. “77% of retirees are without disability during their first year of retirement, 15% are limited but not severely limited and 8% are severely limited”. A trend that would invalidate the words of François Ruffin, according to whom half of the workers arrive on disability at retirement.

The survey also shows that certain socio-professional categories are more likely to be affected by these disabilities from the first year of retirement. This is the case, for example, of workers or employees, unlike executives and higher intellectual professions, whose rate is lower. In other words, this is what François Ruffin explains when they oppose the workers to the “Advisors from McKinsey”, who according to him will be less weakened.

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