Internet: Study: Apple’s App Store enabled trillions in sales

Study: Apple’s App Store enabled trillions in sales

The App Store logo can be seen on the screen of an iPhone. photo

© Silas Stein/dpa

A new record: According to a study, Apple’s App Store achieved sales in the trillions for the first time last year. Which region was the strongest worldwide?

The sales of software developers and commercial enterprises based on Apple’s App Store exceeded the equivalent of one trillion euros worldwide for the first time last year. According to a study by market research firm Analysis Group published by Apple, the app store system enabled 1.1 trillion US dollars in sales and revenue for developers worldwide in 2022 – the equivalent of 1.03 trillion euros. 90 percent of the turnover and sales flowed directly to the developers and third-party companies without commission for Apple.

The revenues recorded in the study go far beyond revenues from the actual app sales and subscriptions that are concluded in the App Store. The Analysis Group economists estimate that the equivalent of 853 billion euros result from the sale of physical goods and services on apps. Around 102 billion euros come from advertising within the apps. Almost 98 billion euros were generated with digital goods and services.

At the same time, Apple referred to a study by the Progressive Policy Institute on the consequences for the job market. According to this, more than 4.8 million jobs in the USA and Europe depend on the App Store for iPhone and iPad apps alone, about 2.4 million in each region.

In terms of sales, the growth in online trading in China is primarily responsible for exceeding the trillion mark. There, the Analysis Group alone recorded sales of goods and services via apps from the store amounting to the equivalent of 490 billion euros. Europe comes to almost 112 billion euros across all areas.

Apple’s reference to the economic importance comes against the background of the recently passed European law on digital markets (Digital Markets Act, DMA). The DMA will come into its own this year and into 2024. After that, “gatekeepers” like Apple can be forced to allow alternative app stores.

The DMA also stipulates that smartphone users must be able to install apps directly from the Internet. Apple sees this as a threat to users. This step will give malicious actors the opportunity to bypass Apple’s extensive security measures.


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