Insurance: How drivers can save money – economy

The millionaire battle is in full swing: As in every October and November, insurers and comparison portals are spending large sums of money to get drivers to change insurers. Large-scale billboard advertisements, expensive online ads on Google, and annoying TV spots. The most important questions and answers about intermittent fever.

Why should I check my car policy?

Anyone who does not check their contract at least every two years pays extra. This is even more true if he has been with a company for a long time. Because the insurers do not reward loyalty, but rather punish it. Many offer very affordable prices for new customers. So that this pays off for them, they regularly increase the tariffs for existing drivers.

Until when can I change?

For most companies by November 30th. In the event of price increases, the customer has a special right of termination of 30 days in any case. Attention: Do not cancel until the new contract has been confirmed.

But I see a price reduction on my premium invoice. So is everything okay?

Not necessarily. Those who have traveled without an accident can generally expect a better no-claims class (SF class) for the coming year. If other tariff criteria are unchanged, this leads to a reduction in contributions. “Insurers can hide price increases by not reducing the premium as much as it should,” explains Rainer Klipp from the comparison portal Check 24.

Klipp does the math: In one example, the contribution with SF class 12 has so far been 458 euros per year. “The insurer is asking for 446 euros for the coming year, around three percent less,” he says. “But the fee should have dropped to 413 euros.” Klipp: “In reality, the insurer has increased the price by eight percent in this case.”

How do I find out whether I am still properly insured?

The query on a comparison portal is popular. Some only compare prices, one of which is With others, customers can also conclude directly. These portals are insurance brokers and collect a commission from the insurer for the conclusion. These include Check 24, Verivox, Tarifcheck, Toptarif or Financescout 24.

It is important to note that most portals only offer a selection, not a complete overview of the market. The largest car insurer HUK-Coburg is not listed on any portal.

Are there alternatives to the portals?

A combination often brings good results: if you compare prices and conditions on a portal and then directly on the website of an insurer such as HUK-Coburg, HUK 24 or Allianz Direct, you have a good overview. Peter Grieble from the Baden-Württemberg consumer advice center has a suggestion: “If you don’t actually want to change your insurer, you should contact the existing insurer and ask whether he has a cheaper tariff.” This can often save a lot of money, says Grieble. “The insurer is obliged to advise in such cases as needed.”

What mistakes can I make when querying the portal?

“Just pay attention to the price,” says Grieble. “If you want to change providers, you also have to be clear about how good your contract actually is.” A look at the conditions is therefore essential. The contract with a workshop agreement may not work for a leased vehicle that can only be repaired in the manufacturer’s authorized workshops, says Grieble. Important: The insurer should also pay for gross negligence, for example damage to your own vehicle after driving over a red light.

The contract should cover collisions with all animals, not just with so-called feral game. Many policies cover the extremely rare collisions with seals or mountain hares (hairy game), but not those with a large dog. “If the marten bite is insured, the customer should ask himself whether consequential damage is also covered,” recommends Grieble. That means: It’s not just about replacing the bitten through lines and cables, but also about possible engine damage caused by the destructive rodent.

What do young drivers have to pay attention to?

Beginners usually pay much higher prices. This quickly adds up to more than 1,000 euros for a small car. Registering your car as a second car for your father or mother can save a lot of money. The offspring collects no-claims points when driving without an accident and can later transfer them to their own contract. If grandmother or grandfather still has no-claims discounts, they can insure the car and, for example, have their granddaughter registered as the driver. After all, a telematics tariff can be worthwhile. The insurers measure the driving style and give cautious drivers discounts. Around 20 percent are in it.

I drive an electric car. What is important?

Anyone who takes out a partially or fully comprehensive policy for their electric vehicle should ensure that damage to the battery is also insured. This is often not the case with cheap tariffs. In the case of e-vehicles, the comparison is now particularly worthwhile: some insurers are currently adjusting their tariffs upwards. Others rely on the advertising effectiveness of cheap offers for e-cars and offer special discounts.

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