From June: Femibion ​​for menopause

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Femibion ​​(Procter & Gamble (P&G)) cares for women from the time they want to have children until the end of breastfeeding and soon also women in menopause. From June, two nutritional supplements for menopausal women will be available in pharmacies under the Femibion ​​umbrella brand.

The 50th birthday – plus or minus five years – is the starting signal for the menopause and the hormonal system goes crazy and over time less and less progesterone and estrogen are produced. The hormonal imbalance manifests itself in, among other things, outbreaks of sweating, hot flushes or mood swings. Every woman experiences the menopause differently, individually and with her own intensity and duration. Not all symptoms necessarily occur in every woman.

Hot flashes common problem

However, around seven out of ten women suffer from hot flashes, which can limit the quality of life because the heat spreads suddenly and unexpectedly in waves. After four to five years, those affected are free of heat and the symptom disappears. Coffee, black tea, stress or being overweight can promote hot flashes.

Femibion ​​Menopause: Hop extract against symptoms

In addition to hormone replacement therapy, hormone-free preparations are also available. This is also where Femibion ​​Menopause and Femibion ​​Menopause Plus come in. The supplements are designed to help women cope with typical signs of menopause. The hormone-free products contain hops, which help manage hot flashes.

In addition to hop extract, Femibion ​​Menopause Plus also contains vitamins and a mineral tablet and is specifically tailored to the most common signs of menopause such as fatigue, hot flashes, changes in bone health and mental performance.

  • Pantothenic acid contributes to normal mental performance.
  • Vitamin D, K and calcium contribute to the maintenance of normal bones.
  • Vitamins B1, B2, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, B12 and biotin contribute to normal energy metabolism.
  • Zinc, iron and iodine contribute to normal cognitive function.

Hops contain the phytoestrogen 8-PN. A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial shows that hop extract standardized to 100 μg of 8-PN reduces the frequency of hot flashes when taken for four weeks. The effect improves steadily over time with consistent daily consumption.

The dietary supplements are hormone-, gluten- and lactose-free and do not contain any genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or pork gelatin.

HRT alternatives

In addition to dietary supplements, phytopharmaceuticals are also available as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Black cohosh is said to relieve symptoms such as hot flashes and sleep disorders and also has calming and regulating properties. For women with mild depressive moods, the combination of Cimicifuga with St. John’s wort is also available. Siberian rhubarb, red clover and soy isoflavones are also used. The latter must not be used by women who are or have been suffering from estrogen-dependent breast or uterine cancer and whose family history of these diseases occurs.


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Nadine Tröbitscher is PTA. After years in the pharmacy and a stint in the field, she swapped her office and prescription for editorial work and has been part of the APOTHEKE ADHOC team since 2016. From there, Nadine moved to the editorial team of PTA IN LOVE in 2019 and has been editor-in-chief since 2020. She never completely turned her back on the pharmacy and is still involved in retail sales.

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