Inmate throws bucket full of urine and feces at prison guard

It was around 2:30 p.m. Tuesday when a guard from Lorient-Ploemeur prison (Morbihan) was called to accompany an inmate to a scheduled hearing with his lawyer. According to the Force Ouvrière Justice union, the guard was allegedly hit with a bucket filled with urine and excrement when opening the gate of this cell in the disciplinary unit. It is not yet known whether the prison staff member was injured. A complaint has been filed.

In a press release, the union demanded “an exemplary disciplinary sanction” against the inmate responsible for this act. FO Justice also calls for “the transfer of the detained person to another establishment”.

Several acts of “verbal and physical violence” have allegedly been committed over several days in the Lorient penitentiary center. FO assures that two guards and their families were threatened last week and that another “was pushed around”.

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