Inflation: SPÖ calls on the Greens in Austria to break up the coalition

SPÖ calls on the Greens in Austria to break the coalition

“At some point it’s enough. And at some point it’s now”: Pamela Rendi-Wagner. photo

© Roland Schlager/APA/dpa

The high inflation in Austria causes a violent exchange of blows in the National Council. The SPÖ blames the ÖVP-Green coalition for the almost ten percent increase in prices.

The opposition in Austria blames the government made up of the conservative ÖVP and the Greens for the high inflation. While in countries like Spain, France and Germany inflation is between 3.8 and 7.9 percent, in Austria it is almost ten percent, said the chairwoman of the social democratic SPÖ, Pamela Rendi-Wagner, in a special session of the National Council.

The actions of the government are characterized by indifference, helplessness and a lack of plan. Rendi-Wagner demanded a gas price cap and a rental price cap. The opposition leader also called on the Greens, who she sees on the side of the SPÖ in terms of social policy, to break up the coalition. “Sometime is enough. And someday is now.”

Shortly thereafter, the motions of no confidence in the government tabled by the SPÖ and the right-wing FPÖ did not receive a majority.

Chancellor and ÖVP leader Karl Nehammer vehemently rejected the allegations. The government has managed to boost economic growth, maintain purchasing power and keep unemployment at record lows.

He defended the recently presented strategy of getting a grip on the root of inflation by taxing energy companies’ excess profits more severely. Either the energy companies would finally have to lower prices or the state would skim off profits, according to Nehammer. Basically, the situation in the many EU countries is different and hardly comparable. “There are no easy answers to complex challenges,” said the head of government.


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