Inflation: SPD wants to take action against rising index rents

Status: 05.07.2022 2:57 p.m

Due to rising inflation, the linked index rents are also rising. The SPD speaks of a dramatic situation and calls for rapid action. The first proposed solutions have already been mentioned.

The SPD housing politician Bernhard Daldrup has called for rapid measures against the sharp rise in index rents. For years, rents linked to the inflation rate were not a problem. Now that is different. The situation is changing dramatically at the moment, and that is why intervention is needed here, said Daldrup in Berlin.

“A Certain Priority”

The topic has “a certain priority”, the SPD will have to talk to the FDP about it, Baldrup continued. The introduction of a cap limit is conceivable. Building Minister Klara Geywitz (SPD) also wants to examine how tenants can be protected from excessive burdens with index leases.

In index rental contracts, the rents can be increased annually according to the value of the consumer price index of the Federal Statistical Office. Since the start of the Russian war in Ukraine, the inflation rate has been rising, mainly driven by high energy prices. In May it reached 7.9 percent, the highest level in almost 50 years.

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