Indonesian frees crocodile from hoop around neck after years (video)

Watch the video: Indonesians free crocodile from tires around its neck after years

This crocodile with a motorcycle tire around his neck has been a photo opportunity in Indonesia for years. Until this local resident took care of the matter on Monday. Tili caught the reptile and relieved it of its burden – under the eyes of numerous spectators. “I didn’t learn how to do that. I just don’t like it when animals are in pain. I would even help snakes.” “I’ve saved snakes, crocodiles and many other reptiles. There were always many critics who said I couldn’t do it. But I’ve shown that it can be done.” Many local residents had long been concerned that the crocodile could choke on the tire. The provincial environmental agency offered a reward in January for the person who could remove the tire. It was initially unclear whether Tili would get this reward. But that sight is now history.

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