in Toulouse, a “vigilante” comes out shirtless with two kitchen knives

It all started with a phone call to the Toulouse police switchboard on Monday, shortly before noon. At the end of the line, a man explains that he is with a friend threatened by attackers and that he will solve the problem himself. A patrol was immediately sent to the scene, in the Croix-de-Pierre district. And when the police men arrive at the address indicated, a surreal scene awaits them in the parking lot of the building: a short, bare-chested man, holding two long kitchen knives in his hand. On the injunction of the officials, he drops his weapons and allows himself to be arrested without difficulty.

He apologizes to the police

He immediately recognizes that he is the author of the call and, indeed, during a drink at home, his friend told him that she felt threatened. Listening only to his courage, he decided to take matters into his own hands, his paranoia probably a little exacerbated by alcohol. The breathalyzer panicked up to 1.5 g. And besides, the patrol did not spot any threatening individual in the sector… apart from him.

This 34-year-old man, totally unknown to the police, apologized after recovering his senses. He was released, but he will have to explain himself again on April 12, 2023 before the criminal court where he will appear for “carrying prohibited weapons” on the public domain.

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