In the middle of Forstinning: When the crook digs – Ebersberg

Evil, you know it at least since the 36-year-old song “Banküberfall” by the legendary Austrian cannons of EAV, evil is known to be always and everywhere. For example in Forstinning, more precisely in Schwaberwegen and even more precisely on the ground there. Concerned residents there had noticed something highly suspicious and possibly threatening last Sunday and reported it to the police: several six-pointed stars punched or milled into the ground.

Now there are definitely areas and occasions in which the application of stars to floors is not only harmless, but even a reason to celebrate, think of the famous “Walk of Fame” in Hollywood. The Schwaberwegener now thought more of a walk of crime, specifically of so-called crooks’ tines. These are symbols that have been handed down since the Middle Ages, with which thieves and other marginalized people exchanged information about potential sources of income. For example, where you can scrounge up cash or, if necessary, steal some, but also where you can make acquaintance with the fierce farm dog while trying.

Experts consider it rather unlikely that crooks still communicate with tines these days, at least the classic signs no longer play a role. This tradition has probably long since migrated to the Internet, where there are probably crooked versions of well-known excursion and travel portals, such as Bruch-Advisor, Schnorr24 and many more, on relevant sites. In this context, the all-clear given by the police in the Forstinninger case may only be temporary: the surveying office put up the stars on the ground, they are so-called network points for fitting the devices into the coordinate system. Whether the resulting map might not be misused for a digital crook guide, who knows.

In the event that there are still crooks who work with classic methods, such as the prongs, it might be worth adding some yourself, such as the jagged line for “bitter dog”, an empty circle for “here there is nothing” or, that would be interesting for Schwaberwegen, a kind of stylized bread roll. It means: “People call the police.”

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