In the middle of Bavaria: No fruit for vegans – Bavaria

In autumn, when you encounter the first gingerbread, dominoes and chocolate Santa Clauses on the way to the checkout in the supermarket, the importance of the dark red, bright, shiny apple also increases. The advertising industry teaches us that Santa Claus likes to hide an apple like this in his sack. So it can’t be just any apple. It should – at least – be a very red apple, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, well-shaped and with such smooth skin that the autumn sun reflects in it like the evil queen in the magic mirror.

Now, those who follow a vegan diet are less likely to gravitate toward a Snow White apple and more toward natural-looking fruit. Nevertheless, you have to be careful. According to the German Press Agency, the Bavarian Consumer Center points this out. Because not all fruit is vegan, which is largely due to scale insects. The industry produces shellac from the excrement of these small animals, and the female lice produce the natural resin to protect their brood. It is found not only in furniture polish, not only in hairspray – but also as a coating agent on and even in food. It is approved as a release and coating agent under E number 904. It prevents chocolate from sticking together; in addition to apples, pears, mangoes, avocados or citrus fruits can also be coated with it. This is harmless to health, even without a maximum limit, and is intended to make fruits and vegetables last longer.

If Snow White had known that, the apple would probably have stuck in her throat for that reason alone. Consumer advocates, on the other hand, fear that many vegans know absolutely nothing about scale insect excretions. Many people are not familiar with the secrets of the E number 904 and the word “waxed” that such fruit and vegetables must have. Vegans could cut an apple into their muesli every morning that is actually not vegan at all, but rather – at least as far as the peel is concerned – covered with animal products. On the other hand, this information offers great potential to perhaps convince the carnivores among supermarket customers to make a quick stop in the fresh produce department. The menu becomes much more varied – right down to the fruit muesli in the morning instead of the salami roll.

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