In 2024, you should poop in the toilet at work

So let go of the pressure and no longer give in to parcopresis. Also called psychogenic fecal retention, this anxiety disorder occurs in those who are embarrassed about defecating in an unfamiliar environment. This problem is extremely widespread and affects almost half of employees, according to a 2022 Ifop study. And yet, defecating at work means treating your digestive system – and taking away paid time from your employer – . In 2024, we must definitely move past “poop-shaming”.

A global malaise, but not so insurmountable

This great discomfort in having a bowel movement is not exclusive to the world of work: according to Jean-Christophe Villette, associate director of the consulting firm Ekilibre and psychologist of work organization, “it is linked to the fear of the gaze of others and the esteem that the group might have of ourselves. This discomfort manifests itself in places that are unfamiliar to us. The workplace being a part of it, one can have this social anxiety disorder. The problem is that it causes problems with concentration and digestion. »

Numerous American studies have been carried out, but the problem is still little highlighted in France. The latest Ifop survey on the subject, carried out in 2022, tells us the different reasons which dissuade workers from going to the toilet: the absence of gendered toilets, soundproofing of the premises and, of course, hygiene sometimes unbearable. Also, we note that the phenomenon affects women twice as often as men. Jean-Christophe Villette suggests ways to change the situation: “It is possible to install toilets where soundproofing is guaranteed. I am also thinking of an anonymous evaluation button, such as we see in train stations or shopping centers. This guarantees anonymity and relieves employees who would be embarrassed to broach the subject with their employer. » But on the employee side, you also have your cards to play. As Jean-Christophe Villette explains, “we must not neglect employee assistance programs to raise these questions.” The problem is therefore not insurmountable, it is in your best interest to overcome this discomfort to resolve the situation and finally push yourself… to push.

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