Hubert Aiwanger: The Minister of State for Zack and Boom – Bavaria

Hubert Aiwanger puts himself in a tighter position for the state election campaign and knocks out one saying after the other. Not always politically correct, not always scientifically sound. Nevertheless, the polls see the free voters stable at around ten percent.


Andreas Glas and Johann Osel

bang! Recently, Hubert Aiwanger hit another one on Twitter. Oh, one – one after the other. Zack zag zag zag zag zag zag zag zag! Ten tweets in 17 minutes, that’s record-breaking even by Aiwanger’s standards: he railed against stricter gun laws, against the fast German passport for immigrants, against climate activists. Before that, he claimed that “insects are supposed to be in the food” just “so vegans can get their animal protein.” Splendid.

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