How a group of imaginative seniors plan to grow old together, away from nursing homes

A place where “no one knocks on the door because it’s breakfast time”, which doesn’t close at a fixed time in the evening, where you can choose the time slot for your adapted gym. “A beautiful residence”, with individual apartments of 60 m2, “a wooded and peaceful park”, in the Toulouse countryside but still very close to a small town, and with life companions, with whom to discuss, debate or just eat on Sunday.

Here, outlined in broad strokes, is the place where Marie Clérivet and Roland Bugat plan to live out their old age, “to the end of the quay”. Light years from an Ehpad, “where the toilets are no longer mixed, which says a lot about how old people are considered”, or from a lucrative senior residence set up by investors. A utopia ? Not quite. The Egrégore association was born at the beginning of the year and has virtually filled its future property, with “six highly motivated members” and a dozen members in all, ready to join the future Société Civile Immobilier (SCI), leaves, for some, to sell their house, .

“Do not die surrounded by white coats”

Because the idea, beyond completely controlling your living environment, is also to own it. “The statutes are almost ready”, assures Roland Bugat, the president. As an oncologist, the septuagenarian is convinced “that the end of life is medicalized too much” and “that one should not die surrounded by white coats”. Marie Clérivet, his companion in the city, ran a home help and care service for twenty years. They are well placed to know that “loneliness weakens” and accelerates the loss of autonomy.

Egrégore also relies Ostalada, a Toulouse start-up specializing in participatory housing. Its co-founders, Cécile Alliot and Pauline Loiseau, are there for the legal set-up and the animation of the debates before the big jump. To say, for example, if the idea of ​​“an electric car for everyone”, advocated by Roland, is realistic or if that of Marie, to bring in a psychologist twice a week holds up.

700 euros monthly charges

According to the association’s calculations, the project would require an initial investment of 270,000 euros per person. Then, between the sharing of heating bills and “short circuits” for shopping, “about 700 euros in monthly charges per person”. “Completely consistent with the income of an average retiree,” says Cécile Alliot.

“It’s our project, but it can also be adapted to other places, other buildings, other incomes,” emphasizes Marie. “As long as there is hope, there is life”, adds, philosopher, Roland, who wants to “wake up the old”.

The members of Egrégore have given themselves until next summer to find and buy the ideal property. They all hope to be able to “pack their bags there in 2024”. To age “with pleasure” without becoming an anonymous resident.

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