Homeless aid projects can receive funding – Bavaria

Innovative and groundbreaking housing and homeless assistance projects can again receive funding of up to 50,000 euros. Supporters, associations and initiatives that help the homeless and the homeless can apply for project funding from the Homeless Aid Bavaria Foundation until May 12th, the foundation announced on Tuesday in Augsburg.

“People who find themselves in an emergency and become homeless need our support,” said Bavaria’s Minister of Social Affairs Ulrike Scharf (CSU), chairwoman of the foundation’s board. Prevention in particular plays an important role in housing and homeless assistance, added Johanna Rumschöttel, former district administrator of the Munich district and also chairwoman of the foundation’s board. “That’s why we hope to receive many applications for projects to prevent housing and homelessness!”

According to its own information, the Homeless Aid Bavaria Foundation was founded by the Free State of Bavaria in 2019 with the aim of improving the situation of homeless and homeless people in Bavaria and paving their way back into society. In addition to project funding, the focus of the foundation’s work is also on cooperation with Bavarian municipalities and independent welfare organizations as well as stronger networking between those involved in housing and homeless assistance.

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