Home office: unpaid overtime, fewer breaks – economy

Unpaid overtime, constant availability and increasingly difficult to switch off in your free time: The home office also has its downsides, a study shows. But the stress can be reduced – you just have to know how.


Alexander Hageluken

Still working from home? This is attractive for millions of Germans. Researchers expect that numerous office workers will work remotely for at least a few days a week, regardless of the further course of the corona pandemic. Because they want it. And because “companies have learned that working from home works,” observes Ulrich Walwei, Vice President of the Institute for Labor Market and Vocational Research. In addition, there are practical considerations on the part of companies: In view of rising energy prices, the head of the Henkel Group, Carsten Knobel, is thinking aloud about sending his people more to work from home. According to the motto: Home is heated anyway, then the offices can stay cold.

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