Hohenbrunn: Healthy food for children’s institutions – district of Munich

In the future, the Hohenbrunn children’s facilities will focus on healthy food for lunch: As the local council decided on Thursday, 100 percent of the meat and dairy products should be made from organically farmed food, and all other products should be at least 50 percent organic required. For organizational reasons, the meals are to be prepared externally for the time being and kept fresh in the warming kitchen. The Greens Anke Lunemann, Deputy Mayoress and who has worked in community catering for children and youth facilities for many years, welcomes the decision: This is a “first big step towards organic regional nutrition” in daycare centers and schools. The long-term goal remains the complete conversion to fresh organic food, according to Lunemann, who will not take part in the tender with her family’s company: “It’s a question of political decency.”

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