Here’s how to effectively prevent and protect yourself from a bedbug infestation

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Avoiding Bed Bug Infestation

Above all, to escape a bedbug infestation, you need to know what factors can promote their appearance. According to ANSES, there are two: travel and living in shared accommodation.

If you are traveling, be sure to inspect the hotel room or Airbnb to make sure there are no bedbugs in the bedding in particular. These are risky places because many travelers follow one another there.

Observing your surroundings is essential to ensure there are no bed bugs. Adult bedbugs can measure between 5 and 7 mm and are brown in color. In general, they leave traces: feces or blood stains. They also leave eggs and larvae behind.

You may also notice the presence of bedbugs if you have bites and skin rashes on your skin. It lasts about a week and is very itchy. There may be more severe symptoms in the event of an allergy.

Finally, if you notice bedbugs, you need to act quickly. Call on pest control professionals.

If you buy second-hand items, you should look at them carefully before bringing them home, even books. We advise you not to pick up a mattress or sofa in the street.

What to do when bedbugs have taken hold?

Do you have bedbugs in your home? Do not panic ! First of all, don’t be ashamed: This has nothing to do with a hygiene problem.e. Do not hesitate to report the problem, otherwise the infestation will take on too large proportions!

Instead, it is recommended to use several methods. Indeed, the various methods, in themselves, are not sufficiently effective. It is therefore rather appropriate to use them jointly, according to ANSES.

If bedbugs have taken hold, it is recommended to call in professionals and favor non-chemical methods. Indeed, using insecticides and other chemical methods can have harmful consequences and create poisoning. This can pollute your environment and in addition, bedbugs can develop resistance to these products. This would therefore be counterproductive. It is better to let professionals and exterminators fight against bedbugs with the right techniques.

If you have bedbugs, clean the room where the infestation occurred. You must also store your luggage safely. Don’t leave them on the floor or near your bed. Avoid clutter and put away anything that might be lying on the floor.

In case of infestation, extreme temperatures can save you! If you have laundry, clean or dirty, and you fear bedbugs, we advise you to wash it at at least 60°. This will eliminate bedbugs. We also recommend that you vacuum your suitcase and throw away the appliance bag afterwards.

The vacuum cleaner can be passed under the bed or behind the headboard. If you see that the paper is peeling, remove it completely as it can be a good hiding place for insects. Tighten the outlet plates, too. If you have any gaps or cracks in your walls, consider sealing them. Same thing with baseboards, windows, ceilings, door frames or furniture.

It is also possible to put sheets and clothes in the freezer to fight against bedbugs. The latter are sensitive to extreme temperatures.

Last point, perhaps less taken into account and yet: the psychological side of bedbug infestation! Suffering from this pest infestation can have truly harmful consequences. Even if you are not at risk of catching any illness from bedbugs, having difficulty getting rid of these little creatures can be hard to cope with. Some people can even develop post-traumatic stress disorder after being infected! So not to be neglected!

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