Herbert Diess: A question of respect – economy

China, software, management culture: there are a few things that are not running smoothly in the Volkswagen Group. And once again CEO Herbert Diess is standing in the fire. The supervisory board is now negotiating its future.


Christoph Giesen and Max Hägler

In a crisis, everything always comes to the fore: the true balance of power and the way we work together. At Volkswagen there are currently at least two crises, more like three – not counting the corona epidemic. The focus is on: Herbert Diess. In these days, maybe this Tuesday, it will be decided whether the 63-year-old from Munich can continue to run this company and will be seen as a hands-on crisis solver. Or whether those who have even more power than he, make him, the top employee, as the real problem. And recalled Herbert Diess.

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