Heike Makatsch: “It was always alien to me to be seen as a role model”

Heike Makatsch has been in the public eye for 30 years, as a presenter and as an actress. She always remained the confidante of her audience. How does she do it?

Ironically, when Heike Makatsch wants to show us her neighborhood in Berlin, a cloudburst begins. “Anyway, good for the plants,” she says, walking out into the pouring rain. She is exactly how you imagined her and always secretly wanted her: unpretentious, funny, even a bit like a friend. The people at the market on Berlin’s Arkonaplatz think so too: The Bavarian seller at the Steckerlfisch stand, for example, has already been waiting and, as he says, put a particularly delicious mackerel back. With seaweed salad, no bread!

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