Healthy gut: 4 benefits of leeks

1. Leeks – the all-in-one vegetable

Leeks contain many healthy ingredients and are therefore a real health booster among vegetables: Due to their high content of vitamins B and C and the minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphate, potassium and silicon, they have a positive effect on various metabolic processes in the body and promotes intestinal health.

To cook at home: Delicious dishes with onions and leeks

2. Good for digestion

Root vegetables contain the soluble fiber inulin. This has a positive effect on the intestinal flora, which has a lasting effect on our health. Inulin is also often taken as a dietary supplement as part of a healthy intestinal flora build-up. The leek also contains the secondary plant substance quercetin; it prevents inflammation and can protect against colon cancer.

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3. Supports kidney function

Due to its high content of vitamins and minerals, leeks support kidney activity, which means that more toxins are excreted. It is also good for losing weight, because leeks contain a lot of water (and therefore few calories), have a diuretic and purifying effect.

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4. Protects against osteoporosis

Leeks are an excellent source of vitamin K! Vitamin K activates bone formation and even protects against osteoporosis and cancer. In addition, it takes part in blood clotting and metabolism and regulates cell growth.

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